Msc Crociere cerca nuovo personale, sia a bordo che in sede: come candidarsi
Msc Crociere è alla ricerca di nuovo personale e sta attualmente effettuando nuove assunzioni per diverse figure professionali, sia a bordo delle navi che presso le sedi centrali. La compagnia offre agli ytenti varie opportunità di lavoro e mansioni.
Questo è un elenco parziale delle figure ricercate:
- Able Seaman / Quarter Master;
- Captain MSC Ocean one anchor handling tug supply;
- Chief Fireman;
- Environmental Officer;
- Facilities Director;
- Facility Manager;
- Fireman;
- First Deck Officer;
- Lead Nurse;
- Pest Control Technician;
- Pest Controller;
- Safety Training Officer;
- Second Deck Officer;
- Third Deck Officer;
- Upholsterer;
- Waste Management Lead.
- Assistant Butcher;
- Assistant Wellness and Spa Manager;
- Beautician (hair/nail);
- Beverage Manager;
- Chef de Partie;
- Cigar Specialist;
- Cook;
- Culinary Admin;
- Entertainment Lighting Technician;
- Financial Officer;
- Fitness Instructor;
- Guest Service Manager;
- Head Butcher;
- Jewelry and Watch Specialist;
- Laundry Attendant;
- Massage Therapist;
- Night Auditor;
- Photo Service Manager;
- Senior Bartender / Mixologist;
- Spa Therapist;
- Suite Host;
- Tailor;
- Waiter.
- AWT Engineer;
- Chief and First Electrician;
- Chief Carpenter;
- First, Second and Third Electro-Technical Officer;
- Electronic Officer;
- Engine Storekeeper;
- First, Second and Third Engineer;
- First, Second and Third Engineer Officer;
- Fitter Mechanic;
- Hotel Maintenance Engineer;
- LNG Crew Officer Specialist;
- Plumber and Chief Plumber;
- Refrigeration Technician and Chief Refrigeration Technician;
- Safety Engineer;
- Upholsterer.
Ecco una lista delle posizioni aperte presso la sede di Napoli, in Campania:
- Business Analyst IT HR;
- Cyber Security Architect;
- E-commerce B2B UAT Tester;
- Flights Operations Specialist;
- Group Credit Analyst;
- IT Analytics Service Manager;
- IT Business Analyst;
- IT Enterprise Architecture Analyst;
- IT Incident and Continuos Improvement Project Manager;
- IT Infrastructure & Operations PMO;
- IT Integration Technical Project Manager;
- IT Network Analyst;
- IT Project Portfolio and Risk Management;
- IT Service Delivery Lead;
- IT Technical Project Manager;
- IT Transition to Operations Lead;
- Voice of the Costumer Specialist.
In aggiunta, sono disponibili numerose opportunità presso la sede di Genova:
- Beverage Manager;
- Center of Excellence Director;
- F&B Analyst;
- Food and Beverage Forecasting Analyst;
- Forwarding Operations;
- Luxury F&B Buyer;
- Meat Junior Buyer;
- Purchasing Back Office;
- Warehouse Manager Assistant.
Msc Crociere, come candidarsi
Per ulteriori dettagli sulle nuove opportunità di lavoro presso MSC Crociere, conviene consultare il sito ufficiale nella sezione “Lavora con noi”. Per visualizzare le posizioni disponibili per il personale di terra, clicca qui.
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